All promotions and giveaways from EquiSchoen!
We regularly - or irregularly - come up with a win-promotion, a great offer or a giveaway promotion around hoof boots and hoof care. There is no line in the promotions or offers in terms of size, value, duration of the promotion or subject. Suppliers are happy to contribute to our promotions and that is great. Did you know that all suppliers also have horses themselves? After all, we are all crazy about horses, wherever we are in the world! Don't want to miss a single promotion? Then follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram.
2024: 10 years of EquiSchoen
January: Win a pair of ScootBoots in your choice of size worth €225 - Sharon Besemer
February: Win a box of Brownies worth €30 - Samantha Torreman
March: Win 2 tickets for EquiDay worth €30 - Karin Hoonhorst
April: Win a pair of FlexBoots worth €189 - €230 - Bernadette Devos
May: Entire month - Free coloured front straps at ScootBoots worth €11.90
June: Win a pair of FloatingBoots worth €135 - €209.45 - Sandra vd Velde
July: Win a Hoofboot fitting consultation on location worth €75 (and also the travel costs of the Hoofboot Fitter are reimbursed by us) - Anita Helsloot
August: Entire month - Free gadfly knife worth €7.95 with every order > €35
September: Win 1 of 12 JackHammer Ultimate Hoofpick Junior worth €17.95 each - Suzi Strom, Mariska Brouwer, Andrea vd Velde, Renate Heynemann, Marjolein Knopper, Karin Hoonhorst, Annika vd Berg, Jeroen de Jong, Caroline Treffer, Mariska Bourman, Nienke Erven, Jennifer Vrijling
October: Win a shopping credit for hoof boots worth €50 - Elly Gommers
November: Win a shopping credit for RedHorse worth €50 - Katya Puype
December: Entire month - Free colored front straps at ScootBoot and ScootEnduro worth € 11.90. And of course the big Christmas finale of this anniversary year, Win-what-you-Wish! We have fulfilled the following two big and two small wishes: Susanna Klopstra wished for a pair of Equine Fusion Jogging Utra's in size 14 regular worth € 231.95. Gabry de Veld wished for a pair of Cavallo Cute Little Bling in size 2 slim worth € 142.50. Michenou Crema wished for a large jar of Artimud worth € 52.95. And Silke Klein Holkenburg wished for a Flowtool worth € 39.95. Congratulations!
2023: Summer Give-Away
This is what you could win in the summer of 2023. We started on Monday July 10th and ended on Monday August 28th, for 7 weeks:
Week 1: Win a pair of Explora Magic HoofBoots in the size and color of your choice worth €209.95! Christy Roelandt
Week 2: Win one of two Rapide Travelkits for leather maintenance worth €14.95 each! Trea Ploeger & Saskia Hakze
Week 3: Win a pair of Cavallo HoofBoots (model Cute Little Boot, Simple or Trek) in the size and color of your choice worth €131.50 - €241.50, depending on the model! Joni Noel
As a bonus, the first 30 orders of a pair of Cavallo's this summer received a free Cavallo sun cap or baseball cap. While supplies last!
Week 4: Win one of three RedHorse Hoof-/SkinCare sets worth €50 each! Gaby Breeuwer, Laura Vanopdenbosch & Tracy Raphaël
Week 5: Win one of four HoofDoctor jugs with brush worth €39.95 each! Esther Kikkert, Ana Valor Delgade, Pauline van den Berghe & Jennifer Vrijling
Week 6: Win one of three HoofArmor StarterKits worth €75 each! Wendy van de Boomen, Mirjam Hofstra & John Bou Sierre
Week 7: Win one of the five books 'Bare Hooves & Open Hearts' by Nelipot Cottage (written in English) worth € 23.95 each! Ester Kikkert, Ana Valor Delgado, Renate Meijer, Samantha van Riezen & Joyce Slob
Prizes cannot be exchanged or converted into cash or a voucher. The winners must contact EquiSchoen themselves via and this will also be emphasized when announcing the winners on social media. Winners must report no later than 2 months after the end of the giveaway; after that the prize will expire.