Hoofboot Fitting Service on location - South of the Netherlands

Hoofboot fitting service for horses on location by professional independent entrepreneurs in the south of the Netherlands (Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Zeeland):

An Gybels

Working area: 30 km Sint-Niklaas and 1 x 6 weeks routes routes: Sint-Niklaas-Roosendaal, Sint-Niklaas-Aalter, Sint-Niklaas-Torhout-De Haan & Sint-Niklaas-Oostburg. Other regions after consultation.
Brands: Floating Boots, Renegades, Scoot Boots, Scoot Enduro, Explora, Flex Horse Boots & EVO. Other brands after consultation.
Tel: +32 498 705 583
Email:  info@equi-ikigai.be
Website: www.equi-ikigai.be 

Annelies Mampaey (HoofScape)

Working area: 40km around Bredene (West Flanders, part East Flanders and part Zeeuws-Vlaanderen).
Brands: ScootBoot, Explora, FlexHorseBoots, EVO, Renegade, Floating Mini
Tel: +32 469 195 370 (ook What's App)
Mail: annelies.hoofscape@gmail.com
Website: Facebook

Barbara Hoekstra (FME Trainer & Trimmer)

Working area: Region Antwerpen, Turnhout, Breda & Bergen op Zoom.
Brands: Specialist ScootBoots and Scoot Skin's, EVO, other brands after consultation.
2024: Indepth training hoofboots - sizing
2024: Clinic EVO Boots – customization options for professionals
Tel: +32 485 310 088 (also Whatsapp)
Email: barbarahoekstra@hotmail.com
Website: www.hoefbekapper.be

Carla van Roy (Cavaro Hoofboots)

Working area: Province Antwerpen, Limburg, Vlaams Brabant, Oost-Vlaanderen, Noord-Brabant (western part till Eindhoven and Tilburg) and Zeeland.
Brands: Floating Boots, Renegade, Explora, Equine Fusion, EVO, Scoot Boots, Flex Hoof Boots & Cavallo.
Tel: +32 474 450  146 (What's App, Messenger, SMS)
Email: info@hoofboots.be
Website: -

Coen Huisman (Through Feel - Natural Horse Care)

Working area: Limburg (NL), Oost-Brabant, Zuid-Gelderland, and across the border with Germany.
Brands: FlexHorseBoots, EVO, ScootBoots, Scoot Enduro, EquineFusion, Renegade, Cavallo, Explora & Floating Boots.
Tel: +31 6 2842 4487 
Email: coen@throughfeel.nl
Website: www.throughfeel.nl

Daisy Lambert (HorseCare DL)

Working area: Kempen, Limburg, Vlaams-Brabant and region Breda -Tilburg. Other regions after consultation.
Brands: Scoot Boots, EVO, Flex Hoof Boots, Floating Boots, Renegade, Equine Fusion & Cavallo.
Tel: +32 498 661 240 (prefer Whats App, SMS en messenger)
Mail: -
Website: -

Jessica Verkaart (PaardenPunt)

Working Area: Zeeland, Zuid-Holland, Noord-Brabant and Antwerpen region.
Brands: Flex Hoof Boots, EVO, Floating. Cavallo & Scoot Boots, other brands after consultation.
2024: Indepth training hoofboots - sizing
2024: Clinic EVO Boots – customization options for professionals
Tel: +31 6 5102 5827 (prefer What's App / e-mail)
Email: jessica@paardenpunt.com
Website: www.paardenpunt.com

Joshua Born (Farrier)

Working Area: Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Gelderland and Utrecht (Gennep, Boxmeer, Cuijk, Groesbeek, Well, Wanssum, Bergen and once every 8 weeks Lunteren, Achterveld, Venlo, Helden, Baarlo and Beesel.
Brands: EVO & Flex Horse Boots.
Tel: -
Mail: hoefsmederijborn@outlook.com
Website: hoefsmidjoshuaborn.nl

Lizanne Curvers (HOOF.love)

Working Area: 50 km around Venlo (Oss, Winterswijk, Roermond, Hamont (BE)).
Brands: Flex Horse Boot, Scoot Boots, Cavallo, Floating, Explora & EquineFusion. 
Tel: +31 6 1807 6442 (prefer What's App / e-mail)
Email: info@hoof.love
Website: www.hoof.love

Mattice Tummers

Working Area: Limburg (NL and BE), also across the border with Germany, as seen as from the south of Limburg (NL).
Brands: ScootBoot, Scoot Enduro, EVO, Equine Fusion, Flex Hoof Boots; other brands after consultation.
2024: Indepth training hoofboots - sizing
2024: Clinic EVO Boots – customization options for professionals
Tel: -
Mail: info@mattice.nl
Website: www.mattice.nl

Roosmarijn van Gentevoort (Cavallo Libero)

Working Area: Zeeland and a littlle further (by instance. Zuid- Holland),; any further after consultation.
Brands: Flex Hoof Boots & Scoot Boots, other brands after consultation.
Tel: +31 6 5365 6515 (prefer What's App / e-mail)
Email: roosmarijn.vg@zeelandnet.nl
Website: - 

Taura van de Vorle (Hoofcare Taura) 

Working Area: Midden & Zuid Limburg (NL & BE)
Brands: ScootBoot, Scoot Enduro, Equine Fusion, Flex Hoof Boots & Renegades
2024: Indepth training hoofboots - sizing
2024: Clinic EVO Boots – customization options for professionals Tel: +31 6 2369 0844
Mail: info@hoofcaretaura.nl
Website: www.hoofcaretaura.nl